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The Anatomy of an Employment Agreement

You have found a new candidate that appears to be a great fit for your organization and are preparing to make an offer.  But what should that offer look like – is an offer letter better or an employment agreement or both?… Read More

What is a SPAC

Unless you have been avoiding financial news and market analysts during 2020 and 2021, you have heard discussions regarding  Special Purpose Acquisition Company(ies) (“SPACs”). SPACs have been around for decades, but their use has recently skyrocketed as companies consider alternative exit strategies during the Covid-19 pandemic, as it created uncertainty on the public and Initial Public Offering (“IPO”) market.… Read More

Intellectual Property Considerations For New Businesses

As an entrepreneur and business owner, you work tirelessly developing your  business plan, networking, creating a stylized logo and brand and your hard work should be protected.  The most valuable business assets of your firm often include its Intellectual Property.… Read More

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